Hopefully this will save someone some angst. That being the case I decided to reboot it to see if it would get the proper default route in the absence of being physically plugged into the network. The wlan0 device did not have a default route presumably because it didn't need one. The default route (which is what gets you off your local network and off to the wilds of the internet) was associated with eth0 and was removed when the cable was unplugged. I then unplugged that cable once I had the Wifi up and going. I had originally configured the Pi using an ethernet cable.
Things don't quite work the way you might expect here.
The first thing I noticed when diagnosing this problem is that when I ran /sbin/route I had no default route only the broadcast route. Nah jadi kamu tidak usah bingung lagi nih, karena disini afrizatul akan share cara mengatasi hotspot xiaomi yang bisa konek, tapi kita tidak bisa browsing atau mengakses internet. Bhuddleston wrote:I had exactly this problem. Tetap saja wifi yang telah mimin buat di xiaomi tadi tidak bisa internet atau no internet access.